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/ Cream of the Crop 21 / Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso / os2 / dbearptr.zip

Archives (9)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
arrow.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
illegal.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
move.PTR OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
sizenesw.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
sizens.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
sizenwse.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
sizewe.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
text.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11
wait.ptr OS/2 Bitmap Array 3 5KB 1996-06-11

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
dbear.txt Text File 56 2KB 1996-06-11